Quick lunch
About my writing
Like most of you reading this, I have been a writer since I could manage a pencil. I write novels that turn a jaundiced but tender eye upon characters and the human condition. Like most of you too, I think about death a good deal of the time, but find those dark thoughts no impediment to humor. My three novels, Nanoman, Taco Salad Days and Uncanny Valley each have something to do with various settings and aspects of my own life. Nanoman depicts scientists behaving fiendishly badly both in the lab and out. Taco Salad Days, set mostly in a high school, tells the story of characters entangled by their hubris, narcissism and emotional wrangling in a place where the stakes could not be smaller. Uncanny Valley tells the grimly snarky tale of a liberal do-gooder and Unitarian, who admits to strangling his own wife. The couple's injured dog garners the only pity to be found among their social set.